Do more that matters
Free mental health training and resources to get you started, answer your questions and build your confidence
It's great to see you exploring online training at the start of your career as a psychologist, psychotherapist or mental health clinician. My aim is to help you find FREE online training. Regardless of your age, previous work and life experiences, personal circumstances and aspirations you bring something unique to the mental heath professions and I hope that what you find here will help you learn what is most important for you right now.
Don't forget that as a trainee working in mental health you should take anything that you are not sure about to your supervisor. Reading about things or watching clinical work online is not a substitute for well supervised clinical practice that leads to professional recognition and regulation. Enjoy the process.
One link below will take you to videos showing different clinicians demonstrating various approaches to therapy. They all highlight the core therapeutic components of warmth, empathy and positive regard, identified by Carl Rogers the 'father' of counselling and psychotherapy. You can see a video of him working.
Scroll down to find a range of other resources. The Psychological Professions Network has a helpful career map showing how different careers fit together and this might help you decide which career would be best for you.
Podcasts could be a good way to dip in to new areas of psychology
Enjoy building your career in psychology, psychotherapy and/or mental health. Come back often and let me know what you think and please tell your friends and colleagues.
Subscribe below and I will send you regular updates about new resources on the site and about any LIVE training that is time limited.
Youtube and Facebook
A series of short videos presented by Bruno Faustino that give helpful overviews of general topics that are relevant to aspiring psychologists, therapists and mental health clinicians. Â They might also be of interest to the general public. Â Â There is an eclectic list including topics such as cognitive dissonance (beloved by all psychology undergraduates), transdiagnositic approaches to therapy, and an introduction to evidence based psychological interventions.
This is a useful site to find out how different types of psychologists and therapists are connected and can work together. Â The Psychological Professions Network is a membership network for all psychological professionals and other stakeholders in NHS commissioned psychological healthcare.
PPN is commissioned by Health Education England to provide a joined-up voice for the psychological professions in workforce planning and development, and to support excellence in practice.
Online discussion forum
This is a very well-established and expertly moderated online discussion forum for anyone who is interested in becoming a clinical psychologist.  There are many relevant and helpful threads where people share their experiences of getting 'relevant experience', choosing a course, meeting shortlisting criteria, and alternative careers to clinical psychology. You can post questions, answer questions or join discussions
Information about careers
Hosted by the Anna Freud Centre this leads you to descriptions of new psychology practitioner roles working with children and young people. Â Although the materials refer to London and the South East most of the content would be very relevant for anyone who wants to train as a Child Well-Being Practitioner (CWP) or an Education Mental Health Practitioner (EMHP).
Blog and Twitter
Want to know more about the working life (ups and downs) of an IAPT Low Intensity Therapist? Â Look no further. Â This honest and insightful blog by an experienced PWP (psychological well-being practitioner) and her well chosen guests covers a range of emotional, practical and perplexing aspects of this demanding role. Â Well worth your time.
If you have a growing interest in CBT, or just want to pick up a bit of background information who better to hear from than Tim Beck, the 'father' of CBT.  It's particularly interesting to hear him talk about moving from psychoanalytic training to the development of cognitive therapy.  In this video he is interviewed by his daughter, Judith Beck so this is an intimate and relaxed encounter not a challenging, edgy exchange.